DEPHTS (2021), video
Animations of counterfactual creatures.
Blender rendered videos that reimagine invertebrates' dichotomy visibility and invisibility as queer subjects, rejecting objectification simulation becomes the envelope of an alternative communication.

BODILY SONIC DISRUPTION (2021), video, leap-motion live performance and dj-set
As part of the Joyful Militants of Sonic Cyberfeminism collective, this CSM on site performance brings together gestures, storytelling and institutional critique. Penetration inside hidden spaces using sound as a trojan horse, hand synthesiser programmed using Wekinator and poetry. Listening session and active container. Projection by Neil Chikono. Hosted by Mayday radio, available at
FLY, BUZZ, CHIRP, SQUEAK (2021), audio file trained model.
From libraries and first-hand recordings of different species of insects a ML model has been trained which processed their physical relation to space. The result is an imaginary liminal and plural insect that can be used to dub human voice and music.
OXIDATION (2021), video, copper, gel.
Comparison between simulated and physical copper reactivity.
Blender model using procedural textures and fluid physic features. Oxidation of copper patina
VAPORS (2021),
3D environment, AI video of transitions between organic textures, low frequencies.
This is an island, a shore of exchange. Here artificial thinking is already part of the body, following a GAN generated organic-inorganic negotiation. It circuits and acts as a site of research of Other possibilities. A body without a brain but with enlarged and diffused organs.
The Inorganic, the digital and the viewer together encounter each other on this Oceanic wreck, levelled by the dense metallic sea. The coral reef is made reflective and becomes the living endo-projection of transitus. Available

VISCERAL (2021),
Video, CycleGAN applied pictures on invertebrate movements.
A conversation between skin and entrails, in which vulnerability, prediction and recognition are allegorical characters. Biased choices and wrinkly shame

video on hybrid futures, techno-diversities through multiple software.
A video snippet from 2050 where an algorithm (A.I. Designed Avatar) presents speculative student work from 2021 as three real historical objects to a young child. Much to the annoyance of their father.
As our cognition and selfhood continue to extend into technology-mediated processes and external repositories, our digital imprints coincide as the dataset. A data collective stored outside of our bodies, that is subsumed to train algorithms. Algorithms owned by techno-capitalistic organisations.
This process of training AI is recursive—an algorithmic ouroboros—where our physical environment and bodies respond materially and biologically to computation which in turn responds to the data generated.
So what would happen if we removed ourselves from this dataset? What if we become black boxes and through technology or legislation embody our data, only accessible to those we choose. After this point, would the algorithms continue to consume historical data, generating increasingly distorted and incomprehensible artefacts? Or would there be enough data available on a defunct “internet” for a flourishing ecosystem that feeds upon itself and generates something new?
What’s in that drawer? has no answer. Instead, it explores a fractal path of techno-diversity, using absurdity and speculation to explore themes of data governance and techno-determination.

3D simulation of mathematical structures and bodily coding, AR photogrammetry
Experiment on perceiving time in a bodily flux with intra-connected platforms, rather than psychological middle points. I am including other sensible aspects onto this visual chimera. Adding more layers of signifiers throughout the narration.

In my research I took inspiration from ‘Learning to see’ by Memo Akten.
Working with some of his open-source code I trained a model with images of ants parasitised by ‘Ophiocordyceps unilateralis’, a fungus that colonizes ants body altering their social behaviour.
The result was a live transformation through the webcam of my face to patterns acquired from the ants pictures.
It’s a reflection about shifting, painting my face, a social reaction to a time of virtual confrontation

ECHO GLITCHES (2021), video
Machine-learning code for steganalysis, smooth transition A.I. and pixel sorting with Touchdesigner.
The video represents a visual remix of melting bodies. Lives intersecting. Trying to pull some strings of the yarn, while watching the reaction of the Whole.

Metal crooked barrier, VR headset and video screening.
Mixed footages and sounds from urban parks and digital spaces,.Reproducing the compromise between farming policies and the anatomy of species

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